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This memorial website was created for our beloved Chief Tony Ede (Big Daddy). Big Daddy died on the 4th of June 2024, he was 75 years old. Chief Tony Ede was cherished by so many people for his kindness, humour, and unwavering support. His absence leaves a profound void in our hearts. His kind heart, warm smile, hearty laugh and generous spirit touched countless lives and made us proud; his legacy will continue to inspire us.
A man of many passions including sports, books, art and music, Chief Tony A. Ede was a social advocate who could not bear to see things going awry, least of all when he had the power to help fix the problem. He was an authentic and dogged person with a humble spirit and an amazing sense of humour. If there were some things Chief Tony Ede enjoyed doing, it was making people laugh and feeding people. Chief Tony Ede will be remembered for his uncompromising values of integrity, honesty, dedication, courage and compassion. He is forever missed and never forgotten.
Rest in peace, dearest Chief Tony A. Ede, your legacy of kindness will never fade, by the grace of God.
June 22
June 22
Dearest Daddy!
It is surreal to be writing this tribute to you.
June 4th 2024 will forever be a dark day in my life.
The LION will forever live in my heart! You were the BEST Dad! 
Your love, encouragement, support and prayers were second to none.
On this past Father’s Day, I looked at my phone several times and I was saddened that I couldn’t call you.
I’ll surely miss your unwavering love and support the most. My consolation is that I have a lifetime of memories of you.
I promise to always make you PROUD.
Sleep well Daddy, till we meet again.
I LOVE you.
June 13
June 13
Dear Daddy,
Just like that, you left us. You were an enigma, a force for good that was indomitable. However, you were a mortal designed to leave us at some point. The most surreal thing about writing you this tribute is that I am referring to you in the past tense. I learned that the grief we feel when our loved ones pass stems from the love that we have for them. Now, I get it. My heart hurts, my head hurts, my stomach hurts, and my mind too. The inexplicable pain is the constant reminder of how much I love you. Growing up, you were not for us alone, your doors were open to everyone. Daddy, you were everyone’s "Big Daddy". You never made anyone who came into our home feel less than human because you gave them shelter and support. You never stripped people of dignity because you were helping them. You constantly reminded us that food was for everyone. I used to say, I was raised by a feminist dad, even though I know you were not trying to be feminist, lol. You wanted us to be independent, saying that it was critical for our growth and ability to function in society. Daddy, you know how I used to constantly tell you thank you for being my daddy? Now, more than ever I say thank you, Daddy. For the values you taught us. You would say, “Never put your eyes where your hands cannot reach”, that was you teaching me contentment. You would say, "Do not give your children less than what you were given", that was you reminding me that parenting was a constant act of love that required sacrifice. Until your death, you carried yourself with dignity and integrity. Your name was important to you and you worked hard to make sure it was never sullied. I promise to work hard at protecting your name, Daddy. Now that you are gone, who will I run to for guidance? Now that you are gone, who will forward random WhatsApp messages to me? Then you would laugh at me and say, Ï don't care if you read them but I will keep sending them because I think the message is important information for you". You would always call me to say, “Tsema, how are you coping”, “Never hesitate to ask if you need anything”, “Consolidate, don’t worry about me”.
Daddy, my life feels empty without you. I am grateful for all our conversations, the heart-to-heart talks on your life’s journey and the lessons you learned along the way. I am grateful for the love you showed Nathan, Makayla, and Zachery. They called you the coolest grandpa ever. That was evident, you were “big daddy”. Christmas with you was always fun. You let them get away with anything, you would play with them incessantly, and you reminded them constantly that Big Daddy’s house was theirs and that they could get anything they wanted. Who are we going to discuss Christmas plans with now? Daddy, I know that you are in a better place and at peace. It does not make the pain go away but it gives me some comfort. I could never say I love you enough. Thank you for the light you carried, thank you for the love you gave, and the kindness you showed to strangers.
Daddy, there are not enough words to express what you mean to me and the gaping hole your passing has created in my life. However, your death is a reminder that to live is to die. My heart is broken, Daddy. I miss you but I know I have to say goodbye.
Goodbye, Big Daddy, you are sorely missed.
I love you always.
Your Daughter,
June 12
June 12
My Daddy!
I was always so sure you would live forever because you were always larger than life to me. I have never for a day imagined a world without you, my life without you. You broke my delusion Daddy and I wasn't even ready, but then I know I never would have been.
You might have left this terrestrial plane but I know for sure your light shines forever here and in the heavens. You always take such great care of everyone, you deserve to relax and be taken care of too. Rest my daddy. I love you endlessly and days after. "To live in the hearts of those who love you is not to die"
Make all the hosts of heaven laugh with your wit and humour Daddy, they've got themselves the MVP. They needed you to make it fun.
September 6
September 6
Uncle Tony,

You have left your footprints with glory on the sand of time. Your name will be remembered for a long time, and your story will be told for generations.A million words cannot bring you back, I know because I have tried; neither can a million tears; I say this because I have cried. We can't lose the people we love, not even to death. They continue to influence our everyday decisions, and their love leaves an indelible ink in our memories. It is an honour for our lives to be enriched by such souls. R.I.P Uncle Tony Ede.
September 5
September 5

It's so sad to be writing this. You gave my family shelter until I was an adult. You were always fun to be with. You were my big daddy.
To the family my deepest sympathy on the passing of your father. He was a guiding light in your life and touched the lives of those around him with his warmth and wisdom.
Alfred Omatseyin.
August 2
August 2
It's hard saying Good-bye daddy. I wish I could have come to Koko and spend some more time with you. I wish you would have come to Abuja in April as you told me on the phone. I wished my children had met you the second most important man in my life.
Your simplicity and kind heartedness has created a great impression in me. If I knew you were going to leave in a hurry I would have come and send more time with you.
Your person and advice has shaped the man I have become.
Your legacy will remain with us. I Love you soooo much. I know you won't stop making people laugh where are are right now. It's Hard for me to say Goodbye.
July 23
Uncle Tony... My best Oga ever! You were a gift from God to people like me holding my hands through the hallway of my young career in journalism. Little did I know you were preparing me for a time like this. Thank you sir! Take your eternal rest with your maker. Odejuma.
A Tribute To Chief Tony A. Ede.
Hmmm! My dear brother and friend Bros T, as I call you (Chief Tony A. Ede) has gone. It’s shocking and hard to take in. But truth is, my dear brother is gone; gone “the way of all the earth;” Wo re Aja ta agho.
I miss and will continue to miss you. We related as if we were from the same womb, with mutual regard and respect for one another. You were kind and supportive, and we shared great times together. Distance limited our time together in the last few years but we still related as technology permitted. But now, you are gone, and that without notice, so, I miss you.

On the larger family level, I remember your commitment towards building a united, strong and respectable Ede family that will restore the historic renown of Chief Ede Ogbugbu, the Eribo Niosioba of Warri kingdom, and leave a rich heritage for oncoming generations.

From 1990 when we birthed the Chief Ede Ogbugbu Descendants Union in Lagos, you were relentless in your labour for this purpose even to the time of your death. I mourn because as I look around, I cannot see anyone who will fit rightly into your shoes.

We struggled together, with other like-minded members of the family against those who worked to betray our heritage and frustrate the noble goal of rebuilding a great family. So committed were you to the best interest of the family that you never accepted that punitive but necessary steps be taken against them because of the concern that the noble name of the family will be tarnished. You were a peace maker and accommodating. That was like our illustrious grandfather, Chief Ede Ogbugbu.
May the spirit of our grandfather guide and build what is left of his heritage.

And may your good live after you. Farewell my dear brother; Adieu, Goodnight, Ona rire.

Dickson E. Atsenuwa
Executive Secretary, Chief Ede Ogbugbu Descendants Union 1990-1993; 2016– 2020.
July 17
July 17
Still figuring this out! It’s going to take a long time to come to terms with you no longer being here!
Still remember our last call like it was yesterday- we talked and as always looked forward to speaking with you again in a few days’ time!
God knows best-
I am going to dwell on the best of times, and I want to start by saying a big thank you for all the love, care, support, and prayers that you have shown all of us!
Daddy we will continue to be filled with all the love that you have showered on us!!!
We would continue to make you proud in all we do & would not let you down…..
Thoughts of you would not be complete without talking about Basketball!
As we watched Celtics roar to the 2024 title & 18th banner, all Omasan & I could think off and talk about was you…It Hurts!
As we celebrated the win, we missed being able to talk about it with you! With Banner 18 in the house will keep an Eye on how Golden State Warriors are doing, just because of U!

Sleep well daddy.
We miss you,
Tuoyo (Uncle Teeee)
July 16
July 16
Celebrating Big Daddy’s Extraordinary Impact
Today, I am honoured to pay tribute to my beloved Big Daddy, who was not only like a father to me but also a pillar of strength for our family.
One of the qualities that defined Big Daddy was his unwavering kindness. I remember how he would try his level best to ensure the family are all united, demonstrating compassion and empathy in every interaction.
Some of my fondest memories of Big Daddy include the many Christmases we use to spend in Ikoyi growing up. I was also very fortunate to spend some quality time with him in Abuja for a few weeks in my older years. Daddy was always like a friend, his mannerisms never changed, he was very accommodating and loved family.
Let us carry forward Big Daddy’s s legacy by embracing kindness, compassion, and resilience in our own lives. Though he may no longer be with us in body, his spirit will continue to inspire and uplift us.
You will be dearly missed Daddy, Sleep well❤️

Gone but never forgotten.
Your Son, Jemine.
July 14
July 14
A letter to heaven addressed to Chief Tony Ede, my Big Daddy

Dearest Daddy,

How are you doing, sir?
I hope you are content with your new home on Heaven's Vessel, a place we all want to arrive at when the Almighty calls us home.
I apologise for taking so long to write this homage, even though you have always said that I had the capacity to be a fantastic writer, evangelist, or motivational speaker - your exact words.
Since I can no longer send you messages of this nature, I have pasted a little excerpt from one of my final messages to you here.
Beginning the message with my customary salutation, "Blessings, Big Daddy" I really procrastinated about sending you this message, wrote it in three different versions but ask the Holy Spirit to take control and help me choose the most suited one to send to you, as I need for my message to be received, digested, reflected upon and instilled.
When I think about my drive/ ambition to be the best version of myself at all times, I always wonder why, even when contented. I realised a few years ago, this is purely because of what was instilled me at a very young age, either directly or indirectly via observations etc. The credit does not only go to my mum, as she has played a role but not the full role.
Stay with me pops, I promise I am going somewhere with all this.
The acknowledgment and credit is shared with people like yourself as I have always looked up to you and vaguely thinking I want this type of life when I get older. I want to make this man proud one day. Your work ethics and ethos are priceless attributes I gained and stuck with all my life. Work hard now for a better tomorrow.
Anyways, let me get to the moral of the story and summarise quickly.
I still have your response to me after you saw/read the entire message that was written.
Chai, this one truly hit home for me, Daddy.
The pain experienced upon the loss of a father is immeasurable. Losing a parent is often equated with losing a superhero, a guardian, a helping hand, and a friend. I couldn't help but wonder why. Why?
It's unbelievable that I am now penning an homage to you, God. How and why?
I had assumed you were unbeatable for a very long time. Above the trivial problems that plagued normal people. The Great Lion has officially fallen.
You have experienced some difficult periods in life, and it hasn't always been easy. I was heartbroken to witness your suffering, yet those exposed moments demonstrated to me our close family's genuine resilience. You were God's personal foot soldier, a true commander-in-chief who guided us through those storms.
Daddy, you embodiment of discipline. Who else, after all, is as adept at maintaining a schedule as you are? You have such amazing precision in how you navigate life every day. It demonstrates your steadfast dedication to greatness.
For myself and the entire Ede family - our very own Olori-ebi, I appreciate your presence. I am deeply grateful for your wisdom, your encouragement, and your steadfast love.
Though I write this homage with tears in my eyes and a heavy heart, the Lord gives me peace every day when I think of the life you have led - a life worthy of emulation.
Though I write this homage with tears in my eyes and a heavy heart, the Lord gives me peace every day when I think of the life you have led - a life that is admirable. Above all, I pray that you are in the arms of the Lord, keeping an eye on your family and myself.
We know the Lord healeth and bindeth up their wounds. We recognise and exult in the fact that Psalm 34:18 states, that “The LORD is close to the broken-hearted; he rescues those whose spirits are crushed”.
All of us in the family have been wondering how to fill the enormous gap that has been left behind while we grieve our loss as a family. The most crucial thing to remember is that Christ, promises to never leave or forsake us, he will always be there for us.
"The Lord your God carried you, as a father carries his son," gives us comfort. Deuteronomy 1:31
According to John 11:25 in the Gospel, Jesus says, "I am the life and the resurrection. Even in death, he who believes in me shall live".                                                          According to Thessalonians 4:13–14, "Brothers and sisters, we do not want you to be ignorant about those who sleep in death, so that you do not grieve as the rest of humanity, who have no hope, does." Because of our belief in Jesus' death, burial, and resurrection, we also believe that God will raise from the dead those who have fallen asleep in him.
I shall always cherish you. I hope this homage comes near to expressing how much you mean to me, Daddy, but I can never find the right words. I shall always think of you with love, no matter where life leads me. Knowing that you are at rest now makes me thankful.
Kindly ask the Angels for me, that they take excellent care of you and make sure your sweet tooth is satisfied. You can also take as much Lucozade Energy Original drink, now that it is in excess, you don't even need to dilute it with water - you never really like doing that anyhow.
Stay outstanding, soldier. We, the distinguished citizens of this country and your family, salute you.
We appreciate you coming to earth to be a blessing to us. We are grateful to God that you were brought into the world by your amazing parents, Ma Ajemito Ede and Late Pa Benson.
Please extend a warm greeting to our good Lord on my behalf. Please don't forget to give the angels up there a serious run for their money. Just as you did with each and every one of us on earth, chasing them around the kingdom garden.
Please give my amazing grandparents my love and let them know how much I miss them.
Rest in perfect bliss, Sir, till we cross paths again. Till then, good bye.

“A Great Soul” by Maya Angelou
“A great soul serves everyone all the time.
A great soul never dies.
It brings us together again and again.”

Love you always Daddy, One of your several daughters,
Tosan O-Kotey                                                                                               July 2024
July 12
July 12
I've always heard my dad, Alex Ede, speak fondly of you, which made me admire you even before we met. When I visited you to discuss personal issues, you were incredibly kind, and our close relationship grew from there. I was shocked and heartbroken when I heard about your passing, especially since you had just visited my mom and me a few weeks ago.

Your absence leaves a void that can never be filled. You were a guiding light in our lives, and your memory will forever be cherished. Rest in peace, dear uncle.

July 10
July 10
I don’t know where to start. Uncle Tony was a second father to me, it was always easy to speak to him and he always had a listening ear and advice when I needed one. Uncle let us know we were always welcomed. Time spent with uncle was always a beautiful time, filled with love and laughter. Words truly fail me, I will cherish the memories and the way you always made us laugh. We love you.
July 9
Chief Tony Ede was always full of life. He was very humorous, his face was always radiant with swells of laughter all around it.. He was a very warm personality. He accepts all and relates convivially with all without the primordial sentiments of status, position, influence or affluence. He was selfless and uncommonly generous. His house was IFA's secretariat and meeting venue for several years until his last day on earth.
Good bye sir. May your soul rest in perfect peace. Amen.
July 9
Chief Tony Ede was was a big brother, a friend, and leader. All who had the opportunity of coming into contact with him will miss his high sense of socilal connection. I really miss him. He was very intelligent but very unassuming, always ready to listen to new ideas and readily embraces any initiative that is for the good of the Itsekiri nation.
July 9
July 9

I'm at a loss for words. I still can't believe you're gone.

You were a strong rock. A pillar of strength. Bold, yet humble. Fearless, yet amiable. Strong, yet jovial. You were a great and devoted father to many, including me. I can't forget the great moments we shared.. watching live football matches together in your room (I've never seen such a devoted Chelsea fan); sharing great family time together; listening to stories and great words of advice from your wealth of knowledge and experience.... Hmmm. What more can I say? God knows best.

You are gone from us. All we have left are the words of wisdom and all the memories. These we shall treasure in your honour, now and always.

Good bye Daddy.
July 4
July 4
Hmmm! Still trying to wrap it around my head that you are really not here anymore. I can't find words to express the grief I feel. I just know that you can't be replaced in our hearts and saying that you will be forever missed doesn't even describe d tremendous loss we feel. Adieu great uncle and father as you rest in the bossom of the LORD.
July 4
July 4
In Loving Memory of Uncle T

Uncle Tony was more than just a family member; he was a friend, a mentor, and a guiding light. His laughter was infectious, his stories unforgettable, and his kindness boundless. Whether he was sharing tales of his youth or offering sage advice, his presence always filled the room with warmth and a sense of belonging.

He had an extraordinary ability to make everyone feel special. Whether through his thoughtful gestures or his knack for knowing just the right thing to say, he touched our hearts in ways that words often fall short of describing. His love for his family was evident in everything he did, and he showed us the true meaning of generosity and compassion.

Though he is no longer with us, his legacy lives on in the countless lives he touched. Every time we share a laugh, lend a helping hand, or pursue our passions, we carry a part of him with us. His memory will forever be etched in our hearts, reminding us to cherish each moment and to live with the same joy and generosity that he did.

Today, as we honor his life, let us also celebrate the enduring impact he had on us all. Uncle [Name], thank you for the love, the lessons, and the light you brought into our lives. You will be dearly missed, but never forgotten.

Rest in peace, dear Uncle Tony. Your spirit will always be with us.

Love always
July 4
Don't know where to start fromstill can't believe you are no more. uncle you where more like a father to me. You where a man full of vibes, jovial, friendly, supportive, accommodative. A lover of football and sports.when Chelsea losses match Uncle will be very sad and down but never gave up on his club, Uncle was always there for me in times of needs, Christmas without you can never be the same, I can still remember when Christmas is approaching uncle will call all of us to the sitting room and give each of us money for Christmas and still do the same for new year. He will take few of us to the market to buy things for Christmas it was really fun. Uncle you where a strong man. And anywhere you go to you put smiles on the face of other people.Uncle I will personally miss you. thank you for all you did for me, your words of encouragement, support & care kept me strong.Will really miss all the good times, fun & laughter we shared together as a family. May your gentle soul continue to rest in peace Amen forever in our hearts.
A father Figure (Uncle T), It brings me so much sadness writing this, it’s Hard knowing you are no more, you were always there for me with support, words of encouragement and our conversation we always had. You were there for me when I lost my father and I remember your words to me where I am the only father figure you have left. Uncle you were a true inspiration to many but to me you just Uncle T with a swag. I have lost two great men in life. I only pray God grants your soul eternal rest. I will always be your boy “George” Emehis as you fondly call me always. Thank you for Everything you did for me and family. I miss you and can’t forget your prayers for me when I visited you in koko to share my intentions of getting married. You spoke words of wisdom as a father would to a son and prayed for me. You will always live in our hearts. Uwese uncle T.
July 4
Hmm Daddy,
No heads up, no big send-off party? Who's going to call me and yell "Tegaaaa" you dont want to pick my call when Gbube and I don't pick up the phone the first time?
This one stings. Who will say, “I no longer see your dance moves with Gbube? Did you block me, i enjoy watching your dances o, like you always joke about?
Where is your Husband? Tell him to call me. We miss your jokes, and your love for family is undisputed. Who will give us those lovely steps during our family gatherings? We are hoping that this is one giant prank. Tell us you're just taking a well-deserved vacation, and we will await your return!
In all seriousness, Daddy, you'll be greatly missed. You were the support, the rock of the family, and you had a very big heart. We take comfort in knowing you're in a better place, but we wish you were still here with us.
Rest in peace (but come back and haunt us with your jokes if you're bored up there!)
July 4
July 4
I don’t know where to begin because it still feels like a shock to me
Ahh big Daddy , my Darling uncle T as we are fond of calling you, this one hit me so hard oh and I still can’t believe it

You have always been a father to me and my siblings, I remember the days we go to house at karu and once it’s time to live Daddy will never want us to go after so much laughter and fun talks first thing that will come out of uncle Tony’s mouth is there is still time now please you people don’t go ,and you will try to bribe us with drinks and cake
When ever me and my siblings have issues we run to you and you never get tired of us..
I remember how me my mum and my siblings drive you to the airport sometimes and you will yabb my mum’s car and even created a song for my mums car, ahh Uncle T
I don’t know where to start from
Who will scold my mum and correct her when she’s wrong, who Will my mum disturb us to cook for now Hmm life
My only comfort is I know you are in a better place smiling down on us saying everything is ok
It’s so painful because after we lost our dad you were always there for us and never get tired of us always telling us to make my dad proud.
Uncle T, you promised to be here in August and even told me you will teach us how to dance itshekeri makosa and you didn’t wait to come and teach me the itshekeri makosa
My mum keeps crying everyday, but I promised you me and my siblings will take care of her and we definitely will…
I have a lot to write uncle T, but I’ll just stop here

Till we meet to part no more
Rip big daddy T…
July 4
July 4
It took me a while to put down this tribute because I didn't imagine I had to write a tribute to you so early. It still feels like a bad dream and I have to wake up.

Daddy, where do I begin? Fun memories

In loving memory Daddy, Chief Tony Ede, a sport lover and a remarkable man who touched the lives of many. His passion for football, particularly for Chelsea, was infectious and brought joy to those around him.

As a loyal Arsenal fan, I admired the friendly rivalry we shared, always bantering about our beloved teams. I remember how we used to call eachother after every important match to banter :-) . Our disagreements over football only strengthened the bond we had, rooted in love and respect.

Beyond football, Daddy was a source of wisdom, guidance, and unwavering support. His kindness, humor, and unwavering spirit continue to inspire me every day. He was always about legacy. The "Ede" name. He will say "who will be next to uphold this name nationally and globally? ". His was passionate about the name. His legacy lives on in the values he instilled in me, my siblings and the memories we shared.

I have always boasted to my friends of how I am lucky to have grown up with two fathers. How awesome life was to have been able to reach out to two men. My Dad Oscar Ede and my Dad Tony Ede. I remember the outings together, the jokes cracked me up. How they grew me up to be responsible early. I am blessed to have had them. My memories will not shed tears, my memories will live proud.

Daddy always called me "Uncle Gbube". I giggled every time I heard your voice. I will miss you, I will still try calling your number sometimes just to see if I'm lucky enough to hear your voice. I will miss you, I will still speak to you every time I need clarity. I will miss you, I will live and uphold the legacy. I will miss you, you will live forever in my heart.

Forever in my heart, Chief Tony Ede. The Patriarch!!!


Feel free to personalize and adjust the tribute to better reflect your feelings and memories of your father. My condolences are with you during this difficult time.
July 4
Big Daddy you are gone but never to be forgotten coz you will always remain in our heart.
Daddy you were such a loving God creature with a loving kind heart to everyone. Love you Daddy

July 4
Uncle, you are gone, but you will never be forgotten. We may be apart, but your memory will live within us.
You are dearly missed, uncle. Those beautiful moments you shared with us will remind us of the great man you were.
You may no longer be here with us, but I will never forget you as a winner who lived life to the fullest.
My uncle had a great soul that served anyone and everyone at all times.
Only those who lived uprightly can enter into peace; they are sure to find rest as they lie in death.
Sleep well uncle. RiP
July 4
You were frist my leader
My daddy
My friend
My mentor
My marriage keeper
My check
Thanks for being a blessing to me and my family. I still feel u traveled and will be back soon. My story can not be complete without you. You were a strong pillar for me and Ashley. Rest on my leader
July 4
You were frist my leader
My daddy
My friend
My mentor
My marriage keeper
My check
Thanks for being a blessing to me and my family. I still feel u traveled and will be back soon. My story can not be complete without you. You were a strong pillar for me and Ashley. Rest on my leader
July 3
July 3


I still can’t believe I’m having to write a tribute for you. I still don’t want to believe you are really gone.

You were not an uncle but a father in every sense of the word. Before I lost my dad, you played a role in my life and even after, you filled the void left by my late father with unwavering love, guidance, and support - I can’t even quantify this. You went over and beyond to make sure I was taken care of.

Especially troughout my university days, we were not just family, but partners in crime. We had our own inside jokes. Oh! We were gist and gossip partners. I’m going to cherish all the memories of how you’d scream my name when you want something or is it those funny dances? Or your jabs? Or when we were obsessed with Olympics and we would bet on countries? We each had our notes pads keeping tabs on how the games were going. These memories are what I will cherish forever. Our bond was so strong that many mistook you for my dad, a testament to the deep connection we shared.

Daddy, you were the pillar to the family and always wanted a reason to have events so we could have fun as a family. You loved all of us coming together so we could play, dance and have good family fun.

One thing for sure was your kindness, sense of humor and generosity. Oh daddy, you were a giver and that’s why you never lacked. You made sure you instilled life lessons in us. It’s really hard to type this because I still can’t believe the great Tony Ede is gone!

I pray I find solace in the memories we created, the laughter we shared, and the love that will always remain in my heart. Daddy, you may have left this world, but i know i have two fathers guiding and watching me. Say hello to my dad - Oscar Ede and let him know how his girl has been doing in the last 12 years.

I will continue to make you both proud.

Love you forever and always,

Laura Temituoyo Ede (Mama)
June 29
June 29
Adieu sir.
You were a pillar of strength and guidance during the burial of our Late father Deacon E.O Ejiko. You made everything smooth and seamless. Your leadership was a shining example of wisdom and compassion.

You were a fervent custodian of our family values and traditions.
Your legacy will forever be cherished. Adieu Papa.

Barr(Mrs) Osan Takpatore(nee Ejiko)
June 24
So shock to hear of your demise.Uncle the last time we spoke.You asked me when am coming back to nigeria.i told you very soon.I never knew I won't meet you.Remember those days in Ikoyi and when you also move to Abuja.i came visiting with out even calling you and you usher me in .That is the kind of person you were.kind,loving, accommodating and always ready to jist.Will missed you Uncle Tony as i foundly called you.
Sleep and rest well till we meet again.Hid bless your soul in Jesus name.Amen
June 22
Tribute to Late Chief Tony Ede
Chief Tony Ede was a renowned name in the Itsekiri community and Nigeria at Large.He was a good Father, Husband,Uncle and a selfless person,this he displayed by allowing members of IFA Abuja to make use of his house as a venue for IFA monthly meeting. Being the immediate past President of IFA,he received everyone with open hands and he had a successful administration.
My warm condolences to the family and May God give them the fortitude to bear this irreplaceable loss. It was always to be around him because he was a jolly good fellow,there was never a dull moment with his presence. He treated all who crossed his parts with care and love.Adieu Chief Tony, RIP Chief from Mrs. Alice Onoriode member of IFA Abuja
June 21
June 21
Uncle T, it's hard think you have left. You have left a vacuum . We will miss you for your fun . There can be no dull moment with you.
May the Lord forgive your short comings and grant you the help you need for eternity 
June 20
June 20
After reading your tribute it brings tears streaming down my checks!! I met you daddy 54 years ago in August, 1970. We went to Illinois State together and were on the track team. I have so many great memories of your dad. He was always so happy. Always laughing and joking. I remember one day when he and I and my girlfriend were together. He and I had already planned a joke on her. I asked her, “do you know why Tony can run so fast?” She said NO. Tony told her it was because he always had to run from the lions and tigers in the jungle! She laughed and Tony acted very insulted that she didn’t believe her!!! After awhile WE laughed telling her about Lagos. That Lagos was NOT a jungle!!! Another time when your dad, me, Bruce Igirio, and Adeola Cole (our relay team) went to the Kansas Relays. We each were given $15 a day by the university to go towards meals. One night after we had finished the events we were in, the 4 of us decided we were going to venture out and have a beer or two! We had such a wonderful time!! 
And now, thanks to your tribute, I have learned so much more about my friend. He continued on in his life being the man that I always knew he would be. He NEVER talked about himself in the later years but always talked about his family. I will always remember my friend. ❤️
June 16
June 16
Big daddy, It's been a long time since we last got to see each other. We always said that we'll meet but we never got the chance. When we heard the news that you passed away, it came as a sudden shock. We took our time with you for granted thinking that we still had lots of time but we didn't. All the good times we had together keep on replaying in my head. We know that you are in a better place now and that fact is our source of comfort. We will forever miss you Big daddy, you will forever be missed and in our hearts.
June 13
June 13
What a big shock, what a big loss,
My Uncle T, I will never forget.
Larger than life, blunt as a knife.
You spread cheer, to all who came near.
My dad told me to contact my uncle whom I had never met when I came to school in Abuja and you immediately welcomed me to your home, after a few days I felt like I had another dad, and gained an exciting new family who shaped and influenced my youthful years. It always took me by surprise that everyone was welcome to the Ede household, you certainly touched and blessed the lives of many.
Now the time has come for you to rest, but my dear uncle T, I will never forget you. Rest on
June 11
Your death came as a big shock to me, i remember visiting you about a month ago, it was a heart to heart talk of a 
father to a daughter, you spoke deeply to me about life and it's phases, you spoke about keeping family bounds and choosing to allow love lead despite all odds, you told me to push for the best, breaking boundaries, and becoming better. Since the news of your death came, the words you spoke on that faithful evening has been resounding in my heart, making more sense to me. Thank you for the impact. Adieu sir!!!
June 10
June 10
Big daddy.. I don't know what to say because my heart wasn't prepared for this. Where did all the time go to? We didn't see you enough. Now you're gone, and we can't see you again. I can't believe I'm writing a tribute to you. It's painful. Very painful. I wish I could go back in time and relive all those memories again. You're gone, but not completely. A part of you stayed with us, the day God took you home.

Goodbye forever, Grandpa ❤️
Zachary okoye.
June 10
June 10
I always loved you big daddy and the way you always played with us. Even though we hardly ever saw you, whenever we saw you. You always made us laugh. We always knew you wanted to see us but you were always too busy but we cannot see you anymore I am sorry too say goodbye big daddy
June 9
June 9
Chief Ede,

Though words may seem inadequate at this time, I want to express my deepest gratitude for the loving father you were to Tsema.
The strength of your bond was truly remarkable, and even in the face of this loss, the intensity of the precious love you shared remains undiminished.
Thank you for enriching Tsema's life in such a profound way. May you rest in peace. You will be dearly missed. ❤️
June 9
I remember the first time I met you and I said to Tsema,"no wonder you are so proud of your dad."
You were so warm and lovely even though I was meeting you for the first time then.
Thank you for raising my beautiful and committed friend.
I pray the Lord comfort your children and all your loved ones.
Adieu Sir!
June 8
June 8
Big Daddy, Christmas will never feel thesame, hmmmmmmm so this is it. I didn't even take a lot of pictures with you. Your words, care and significance will always resonate with"Olashii like you fondling call me.. you were our check and drive not to be badly behaved knowing that it will get to you kept us wining. Thank you for the discipline, each day I see "the why". Rest Sir, I know that you are sure of your legacy, if not you wouldn't have left us. And I hope we are making you proud because you now have a heavenly standard.. will miss you Sir. Adieu
June 7
June 7
You were a dear dear Father to my good friend and sister Tsema, she spoke so much of you and one could tell the love she had for her “MyDaddy” as she always called you.
She made me realise how much fatherly love for a long time seemed like.
Continue to rest “Our Daddy”.
We will all miss you
June 7
June 7
Big Daddy,

I can attest to the testament that you were a kind man. You had never met me before when you allowed me stay at your house for my NYSC after you were called the very morning after my orientation camp ended. I can never thank you enough for the burden that lifted from me. You even gave me transport fare to be going to my place of assignment even when I said you were already doing so much for me. You have to be one person I knew with the most unpretentious attitude and really great sense of humor. Thank you for the life you lived although, sadly, it was short. Thank you for the family I got because of you, family that have been a blessing to me from then on. So much to say but in all, you will be missed.
Rest in perfect peace.

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Recent Tributes
September 6
September 6
Uncle Tony,

You have left your footprints with glory on the sand of time. Your name will be remembered for a long time, and your story will be told for generations.A million words cannot bring you back, I know because I have tried; neither can a million tears; I say this because I have cried. We can't lose the people we love, not even to death. They continue to influence our everyday decisions, and their love leaves an indelible ink in our memories. It is an honour for our lives to be enriched by such souls. R.I.P Uncle Tony Ede.
September 5
September 5

It's so sad to be writing this. You gave my family shelter until I was an adult. You were always fun to be with. You were my big daddy.
To the family my deepest sympathy on the passing of your father. He was a guiding light in your life and touched the lives of those around him with his warmth and wisdom.
Alfred Omatseyin.
August 2
August 2
It's hard saying Good-bye daddy. I wish I could have come to Koko and spend some more time with you. I wish you would have come to Abuja in April as you told me on the phone. I wished my children had met you the second most important man in my life.
Your simplicity and kind heartedness has created a great impression in me. If I knew you were going to leave in a hurry I would have come and send more time with you.
Your person and advice has shaped the man I have become.
Your legacy will remain with us. I Love you soooo much. I know you won't stop making people laugh where are are right now. It's Hard for me to say Goodbye.
His Life

About Chief Tony Amajuoritse Olujimi Ayodele Ede

July 21
  • Early Years:

Chief Tony Amajuoritse Ayodele Olujimi Ede was born in Layeni Court, Agbo Ole Oshodi in Lagos Island on the 21st of March 1949 to Pa Benson and Ma Ajemito Ede. He was the 2nd of 9 children. Chief Tony Ede was born and raised in modest means by his parents. His father worked as an accountant at Shell Oil and his mother was a trader – the Iyaloja of Lawanson market, Lagos.

He moved with his parents to Abonima in present-day, Rivers State during his early years. While in Abonima, he helped his mother trade her wares on the streets. Upon their return from Abonima, he attended Salvation Army Primary School in Lagos. From there, he went to Hussey College, Warri in 1965. He was an active athlete, participating in track and football at Hussey College. After his secondary school education, he worked with the Nigerian Prisons Service (now Nigerian Correctional Service) for a brief period. While there, he participated in staff member sports. In the process, he gained a scholarship to Illinois State University in Chicago, USA.

University Years:

While at Illinois State University, Chief Tony Ede was part of the athletics team. At that time, track was the only organised sport and it was a full-year sport. He and the rest of the team were required to stay in shape. Sports was his passion and he found a way to maintain a balance in participating in athletics and excelling at school. Chief Tony Ede did well in the 200m race, the 400m, and the 4x100m relay with Bruce Ijirigho, Michael Keen and Adeola Cole. There, they excelled at the larger invitational events like the Kansas and the Kentucky Relays. Chief Ede also enjoyed playing soccer, volleyball, and basketball. However, the track event was the sport that got most of his attention because it was a full year’s sport. Chief Tony Ede, acquired a Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) degree in Mass Communication, another B.Sc in Political Science and a Master of Arts (M.A) in Mass Communications from Illinois State University and the Sangamon State University in the United States of America.

Career Years:

While in the United States, Chief Tony Ede worked with Plains Television Corporation, Springfield Illinois from 1977 to 1979. Following his graduation from the University in 1978, Chief Tony Ede returned to Nigeria in 1979 and began working at the Nigerian Television Authority (NTA). Chief Tony Ede, being a man of many firsts; was a top news reporter, news producer and premier television documentary producer of the TV Programme, Newsweek on NTA, from 1979 to 1988. It was a documentary that exposed corruption in Nigeria’s systems. Chief Tony Ede, being a man of unwavering values and integrity was a man who was not easily pressured. It was common for multinational companies and some State leaders to attempt using his superiors at work, or bribes to kill some of his expository news stories. Chief Tony Ede, in his regular doggedness, would insist on publishing those stories without fear or favour. Everyone who worked with him knew how stubborn he was when it came to standing for what he believed in.

In 1988, he moved to the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) where he was the pioneer Head of Communications. He began this role by establishing the Corporate Affairs Department and was the bank’s spokesman until his retirement in November 2005. Chief Tony Ede was the face of the CBN for seventeen years, a role he executed with utmost professionalism, objectivity, and equity. Other than being the public relations representative for the Central Bank of Nigeria, he worked with financial journalists to institutionalise yearly workshops. These workshops were designed to educate financial journalists on the intricacies of the finance industry and the operations of the Central Bank of Nigeria. He operated an open-door policy there and encouraged the CBN to engage with journalists. Chief Tony Ede gave the public access to information about the CBN’s policies as they evolved. He encouraged transparency when it came to educating the public on monetary policies. Chief Ede ensured that the public appreciated the work the CBN did through his regular updates to the media. He hardly said no to a TV, radio, or newspaper interview. He quickly defended the CBN against untrue or misconstrued publications by sharing the bank’s perspectives. Chief Ede was also quick to protect and defend the Central Bank governors he worked with.  The journalists he worked with stated that “he would rather take the flack than allow his bosses to be messed up by the news-hungry journalists”. Chief Ede, as the face of the CBN, executed his role with passion, professionalism, and proficiency. He retired from the Central Bank of Nigeria as the Deputy Director of Corporate Affairs.

Following his retirement, he established a Public Relations consultancy firm called RedBird Communications. As the Chairman and Chief Executive at RedBird, he provided publicity services to different Ministries, Departments, and Agencies (MDAs). One such agency was the Pensions Commission- PenCom.

Personal Life:

Chief Tony Ede lived in Lagos and Abuja for most of his life. However, after 2021, he enjoyed the serenity that his hometown provided and began to spend more time in his country home in Koko, Warri, Delta State. Another motivation for him to spend more time in his home town was the belief that people at home need people like him who can speak truth to power and ensure fair distributions for development. This, he did at massive costs to himself.  

Chief Tony Ede, upon discovering that a huge gap existed in the development of Itsekiri communities in Delta State, found a way to mobilise the Itsekiri community in Abuja to discuss ways of addressing infrastructural gaps and advancing progress for indigenous Itsekiri communities and their members. This compassion for his people birthed the Itsekiri Forum Abuja (IFA) in the early 2000s. In the mid-2000s, he became the President of the Itsekiri Forum Abuja, a role he executed with compassion, integrity, and sound knowledge for years. As President of IFA, during the conflict in Warri that led to some Itsekiri communities experiencing a humanitarian crisis, he led a campaign to mobilise relief materials for Itsekiri communities that were badly affected. Under his leadership, IFA developed and implemented the Itsekiri Forum Abuja scholarship scheme for indigent Itsekiri children who were orphaned because of the crisis.  The scholarship scheme aimed to ensure that these orphaned children gained education from the primary to the tertiary levels, As a result, several beneficiaries of the scholarship programme have gone on to graduate from different universities. This was the kind of passion that drove Chief Ede.  He also led the IFA to actively engage in national discourse and, where necessary, protect and defend Itsekiri causes. He was passionate about ensuring that oil-producing communities in the Niger Delta had a right to development and ensured that he made a case for them whenever he was given an opportunity from public hearings at the National Assembly to providing intellectual, financial and material support for the National Conference for Ethnic Nationalities in Nigeria (2014). Chief Tony Ede built bridges, worked hard to nurture relationships, and ensured that all voices were heard. 

Chief Tony Ede had a large personality and a great sense of humour, he was great at finding humour in the bleakest of situations and would always positively change the atmosphere of the places he stepped into. 

On the 27th of September 2017, Chief Ede was conferred as a chief in the Warri Kingdom and installed with the prestigious title of Uwa Olu Etan, meaning the Wealth of the Olu is inexhaustible.

Chief Tony Ede was a member of the Warri Study Group, there, he served as the secretary of the body, working to advance the course of his people. In addition, as a member of the Itsekiri Leaders of Thought (ILOT), an organisation formed in 1974 to act as the eye, ear and nose of the Itsekiri people worldwide, he actively participated in national level conversations in the promotion of development for the Itsekiris. He was a member of its executive committee, the highest decision-making organ of the body. He was, until his death, their Public Relations Officer.

Chief Tony Ede is survived by his wife, children, grandchildren, a brother, sisters, aunties, uncles, nephews, nieces, cousins and other relatives.

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